Northern Sonoma County festival promises deluxe weekend of tastings, meals, music, and parties.
Local and national winemakers and chefs will participate in the first annual Healdsburg Wine & Food Experience, May 20–22. Friday highlights include lunches and the VIP Welcome Celebration at the Montage Healdsburg resort. Saturday’s the big day, with wine seminars, the grand tasting, culinary demonstrations, The Band Perry‘s concert at Rodney Strong Vineyards, and the VIP Magnum Party at Montage. On Sunday, a vineyard tour and brunch, lunch, and picnic possibilities close out the deluxe weekend.
Per Healdsburg Wine & Food Experience’s organizers, “a significant contribution” from the proceeds (including most of The Band Perry ticket sales) will go to the Sonoma County Grape Growers Foundation, which provides healthcare, affordable housing, and other services for farmers and their families. The organizers are also starting a scholarship fund via the Future Farmers of America’s Healdsburg chapter to “benefit economically challenged students looking to pursue a career in farming and/or agriculture.”
General admission for the weekend costs $200, and there are à la carte, VIP, and Ultra-VIP options. For more ticket info: Healdsburg Wine & Food Experience.